1.2 What is Centration?
In the previous section we discussed the 5 key joint systems of our body. A joint is when two bones come together. A joint system is an area made up of many joints. For example, the hip and back area is made up of 30 plus joints (2 hip joints, 2 Sacro-iliac joints, 1 symphysis pubis joint, 25 joints in the lumbar spine area).
Figure 5: A) A Joint B) Joint System
Every joint has an ideal alignment or optimal fit. The easiest way to think of an ideal joint alignment are 2 perfectly stacked blocks. When it’s ideal we say it’s centrated. If it’s stacked unevenly towards one side, then it’s not ideal. Now consider the impact of many joints stacked properly vs. unevenly. One block stack will be stable while the other will be wobbly. Any one misaligned joint can impact the entire stack. If the 3rd from the bottom block is very misaligned and you push the block a bit further in the direction of misalignment the entire stack will collapse. This is what happens when we land with dynamic knee valgus. We’ll explore this more in the Law of One Cause.
Figure 6: Using Blocks to Explain Centration. A) Ideal = Centrated. B) Poor Stack. C) Ideal Blocks Stack. D) Non-Ideal Block Stack with the 3rd Misaligned.
1.2.1 The Power of Centration
Being in a centrated position is extremely powerful that helps with:
• Mobility and Flexibility
• Strength
• Stability
• Muscle activation.
These benefits increase when more joints are centrated. Ideally, we want our entire body (All 5 joint systems) to be centrated during movement. In turn, this means fewer injuries and improved sport performance.
1.2.2 Putting On Your Golden Armor – How we stack the spine
Your trunk is a very special area of the body. It connects your upper body with your lower body, and houses the spine. The spine is made of 24 vertebrae, that form 3 curves known as the cervical, thoracic, and lumber curves. To stack / centrate these vertebrae with each other and with the head and pelvis we’ve develop a special method called “Putting On Your Golden Armor”. The cues are simple:
Figure 7. Golden Armor Cues and Implications
As with all centrated joint systems; mobility, strength, stability, and muscle activation will all be enhanced. Remember the more joints that are centrated the more benefits you’ll receive.